National Honor Society
The National Honor Society was founded in 1921, with the hope of creating an organization that would recognize and encourage academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to productive citizens. The ideals of scholarship, character, service and leadership remain as relevant today as they were in 1921.
Based upon the National Honor Society standards, the Kingsway Regional High School Chapter has created procedures, requirements and regulations that are outlined below. This is intended to guide students through the process, as well as explain the precise selection system that is in place in order to be selected as a member of the Kingsway Regional High School Chapter.
Each student must maintain a 3.700 weighted grade point average in order to be eligible and remain a member of the Kingsway Regional High School Chapter of the National Honor Society.
The successful member who is resourceful in prosing new problems and applying solutions, demonstrates initiative, exercised positive influence on peers, uphold school ideals, exemplifies positive attitude, inspires positive behavior, and/or successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility, etc.
In the two school years prior to consideration, a student must have a total of 20 points from an approved list of school and community activities. Students who serve as officers of listed school activities or athletic team captains will receive one additional point per year they serve as in that leadership position. This requirement will begin with the class of 2016.
Leadership points are distributed according to the amount of hours put into the activities in agreement with the Activity Advisors. Students may contact the NHS Advisors directly with further questions.
Actions undertaken by the students which are done, on a regular basis, with or on behalf of others without any direct financial or material compensation to the individual performing the service. In evaluating service, the contributions this candidate has made to school, classmates, and community, as well as the student’s attitude toward service can be considered.
Students must have a total of 10 verifiable hours of community service during the two years prior to consideration from an approved list. These community service hours cannot be in conjunction with school activities they are using for leadership points. This requirement will begin with the class of 2016.
A person of character demonstrates the following six qualities: respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring and citizenship.
Students must type a one-page narrative explaining why they feel they would be a good addition to the NHS organization along with any recognition or awards they have received. Teachers who have taught or coached the NHS candidate will have the opportunity to evaluate these students on character and have a say in that candidate’s fate of NHS eligibility.