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Instructional Teams

Overview of Instructional Teaming

The Middle School teaching teams provide a unique learning environment within a large school building. The teams consist of the five core subject area teachers: English, literature, science, social studies and math.  These five teachers all teach the same 150 students. Guidance counselors, special-education teachers, and other specialists are assigned to teams. This structure allows teachers to discuss the students they have in common and allows them to establish stronger teacher –student relationships based on an improved understanding of the students and their specific learning needs. The team teachers meet three days a week to discuss curriculum, instruction, and students. The teaming structure also affords parents the opportunity to meet with their child's five core teachers on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays of any given week.  The teams collaborate  in order to meet the individual needs of their students. The general goals of teaming are to provide social, emotional, and academic support in order for all Kingsway Regional Middle School students to succeed. 

Team teaching has many benefits:

  • Breaks the larger school into eight smaller schools of approximately 125 students each
  • Prevents students from slipping through the cracks
  • Promotes open lines of communications
  • Creates a sense of belonging to a group
  • Assists with the transition to a middle school
  • Allows for parent conferences with all core teachers during team time
  • Provides a forum to share best instructional practices and maximize collaboration for student success


Student Ambassadors


Instructional Teams

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