How Can I Help?
For too long politicians, governors and special interests have robbed Kingsway Regional and our sending elementary school districts of our State Aid. While our enrollment has boomed over the last fifteen years, State support for our schools has diminished. (See Kingsway By The Numbers). Much of our hard earned tax dollars have been reallocated to Districts with declining enrollment while ignoring our needs here at home. Our community needs to tell Trenton we're fed up and demand that the School Funding Formula be funded so that we can provide the resources our kids need. Please take the time to tell the Governor, your 3rd District Legislators and our local Mayors that we've had enough! (Use Our Advocacy Letter)
Add your voice to those of public education advocates throughout the state. Tell the Governor you've had enough of unfair funding. Visit the Governor’s website here or use the sample script below.
"Hello, my name is _______ and I am calling on behalf of the Kingsway Regional School District. I am asking you to (1) support fully funding the SFRA for underfunded districts like Kingsway; (2) lift the enrollment caps used to punish growing districts like Kingsway; (3) abolish the adjustment aid (hold harmless) aid used to restrict money from flowing to where their students attend school; and, (4) begin to report on uncapped school aid as anything less is disingenuous to the hard working citizens of our great state and unfair to our school children. Kingsway has been shortchanged for more than 10 years and should receive an additional $10.14 million annually but, instead, we are funded at 49% of uncapped SFRA. Our residents pay more than their local fair share. It simply is not fair, knowing other school districts contribute less property tax dollar while receiving more than 100% of SFRA."
The Honorable Phil Murphy
Office of the Governor
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625
(609) 292-6000
Twitter: GovMurphy
Commissioner of Education
Tell New Jersey’s Commissioner of Education Dr. Lamont Repollet that you are fed up with how badly Kingsway is underfunded by submitting your remarks here. If you prefer to mail a letter to the Commissioner, please send it to the following address:
Dr. Lamont Repollet
Acting Commissioner of Education
NJ Department of Education
P.O. Box 500
Trenton, NJ 08625-0500