Fair Funding Action Committee
Dr. James J. Lavender,
Kingsway Regional School District
Jennifer Cavallaro,
Community Activist;
Present BOE President Kingsway
From East Greenwich
James Mueller,
Past BOE President Kingsway
From South Harrison Twp.
M. Toni Buckley,
South Harrison BOE
From Swedesboro
Thomas Fromm, Mayor
From Woolwich Twp.
Mia Randazzo,
Past BOE Member Kingsway
Dr. Michele Blair,
BOE Member Kingsway
School Officials
Jason Schimpf,
Business Administrator
Kingsway Regional School District
Patricia Calandro,
Chief Academic Officer
Kingsway Regional School District
Craig Stephenson,
Past High School Principal
Kingsway Regional School District
Dr. Kristen O'Neil
Swedesboro-Woolwich School District
Trenton politicians have long kicked the proverbial school finance can down the road, slowly and steadily shifting the burden of funding our schools onto the back of our hard working property owners. Governors and politicians have stood at the bully pulpit and blamed us for our funding dilemma while catering to special interest groups in Trenton. Trenton officials elected to represent our interests have relied on sound bites and newspaper headlines to lull us to sleep while they pander to donors and special interest groups.
Established in 2012, the Fair Funding Action Committee is a collection of school administrators, elected officials, board of education members and volunteers. We are democrats and republicans. We all have our own ideas and political ideologies but when it comes to the issue of funding our schools fairly we stand united by the same cause. We demanded that Trenton approve the Supplemental Enrollment Growth Aid (SEGA) and make it a permanent state budget appropriation, which has cumulatively provided $12.9 in state aid to Kingsway, South Harrison, Swedesboro-Woolwich and East Greenwich Schools but we are not finished until our schools receive every penny they are entitled. We demand that Trenton stop ignoring our students and our residents by funding our schools fairly and equitably so that Kingsway, South Harrison, Swedesboro-Woolwich and East Greenwich Twp. Schools can maintain excellent programs but not at the expense of our tax payers.
We ask that you join the Fair Funding Action Committee by demanding that Trenton fix this problem now! Go to the How Can I Help page to lend your voice to our cause. You can begin by signing the Fair Funding Petition by clicking here.
If you would like to join the Fair Funding Action Committee please email one of the Co-Chairs at their addresses below.
Fair Funding Action Committee