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Alcohol, Drugs & Code of Conduct

Coat of Arms

Every student shall have the right to attend a safe and drug-free school. Students are expected to follow the rules established in our Student Code of Conduct, which are designed to maintain good order as established by 

acceptable standards within the school and our larger community. The Code of Conduct is organized in a way that identifies behavioral fractions by category. The possession and/or distribution of alcohol, drugs or other dangerous substances qualifies as a Tier IV offense, the highest offense, in that it compromises the safety and welfare of students and staff. In the case of alcohol and/or drug infractions, the goal is to administer supportive disciplinary measures by connecting consequences to early intervention programs.

Students found to be soliciting or using illegal or prescription drugs (e.g. marijuana, alcohol, etc.) or drug paraphernalia, or are reasonably suspected of doing so, will result in the student being required to undergo mandatory alcohol and/or drug screening.  A positive screening will result in a 10-day external suspension. Refusal to comply, a diluted result, inconclusive outcome, or untestable specimen will be treated as if a positive result.  Mandatory alcohol and drug counseling programs will apply. A formal complaint, contingent upon the specific circumstances, may result in formal complaints being filed with the Woolwich Township Police Department.

Students found to be selling (distributing) alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia will result in an immediate external suspension, pending a hearing to be held at the next regular Board of Education Meeting. Additionally, a formal complaint will be filed with the Woolwich Township Police Department.