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Alcohol and Drug Prevention

The Kingsway Regional School District's Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program provides specialists to conduct prevention and intervention services to help our students identify the impact of alcohol and drug use. We focus on the implementation of interventions, programs and strategies that are proven to work and will continue to build on them.

The District also takes a strong stand against alcohol and drug use in our schools and has established policy and protocol through our Student Code of Conduct that delivers tough sanctions against students who are in possession of alcohol or illegal substances, are under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances, and/or distribute alcohol or illegal substances in school or at a school function. Annually, we work in concert with the Woolwich Township Police Department to conduct K9 sweeps of lockers, bathrooms, and student cars to send our students a clear message that alcohol and drugs are not tolerated in our schools.

Important Public Service Announcement & Code of Conduct Notification from Dr. Lavender on December 5th regarding Vaping/E-Cigarettes and other similar devices. Click here.

Coat of Arms

During the 2017-18 school year, only 0.99% of students tested were found positive for drugs and/or alcohol, outperforming both the National average of 2.0% and NJ average of 2.3%. This is testament to our staff and commitment of our parents and students to take positive steps when presented with a drug or alcohol issue.