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Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures

Attention: Campers must 6 years old by 6/23/2025 to register for camp

Drop-Off/Pick-Up Timeframes
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Location
7:00 am – 8:15 am
Front Entrance of KRMS Drop-Off for Before-Care
8:15 am – 9:00 am
Back of KRMS for Carside Drop-Off
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Front Entrance of KRMS for “Regular” Drop-Off & EARLY Pick-Up
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
Back of KRMS for Carside Pick-Up
4:45 pm – 6:00 pm
Front Entrance of KRMS Pick-Up for After-Care
Carside Drop-off begins at 8:30 am and ends at 9:00 am sharp. Carside Drop-off doors will not open until 8:30 am. 
Anyone dropped off after 9 am must go through the Middle School Main Entrance. 
  • BEFORE-CARE/EARLY Drop-Off (7:00 am-8:15 am):
    • Campers that have paid for before care may be dropped off at the Main Entrance of the Middle School (marked A). Campers in before care will stay in the media center until 8:40.
  • REGULAR Drop-Off (8:15 am–9:00 am):
    • Please use the enclosed map describing the drop-off zone at the back of the Middle School.
    • Campers should remain in the vehicle until the car is parked in the drop-off zone (marked B).
    • Please ask your child to undo their seatbelt, and a counselor will open the door of the vehicle allowing the child to exit independently while checking them in.
    • Parents should remain in the vehicle.
    • Parents who need to enter the building should park in the parking lot in the front of the school building and enter through the main entrance.
    • Please do not pull in front of a car that is in front of you. To ensure the safety of all our campers and staff, it is important that all cars must exit the zone one after the other.
    • If you arrive to camp after 9 am, please park and use the Main Entrance of the Middle School (A).


Pick-up begins at 4:15 pm and ends promptly at 4:30 pm. 
If you arrive after this time to pick up your camper, please enter through the Main Entrance of the Middle School.
  • REGULAR Pick-up (4:00 pm-4:45 pm):
    • On the first day of camp, each family will be given 2 visor signs with the camper’s last name on it. This visor sign should be displayed on the passenger side window of the vehicle to indicate the name of the camper being picked up.
    • At the front entrance labeled “A,” counselors will have a tablet used to sign out campers. Please stop to sign out your children using our digital system. Each person listed as an authorized pick up person will be assigned a PIN. Use this code to sign out your children. Anyone who cannot remember their PIN will have to show their ID to prove they are on the eligible pick up list. Campers will radio for your child to be ready at the back of the building.
    • Please proceed to the pick-up zone (B) when waved forward.
    • A counselor will accompany the camper(s) to the vehicle. When all campers have entered the car independently the vehicle may exit the pick-up zone.
    • Please do not pull in front of a car that is in front of you. To ensure the safety of all our campers and staff, it is important that all cars must exit the zone one after the other.
    • If you are picking up your child before 4 pm, please use the Main Entrance of the Middle School (A).
  • AFTER-CARE/LATE Pick-Up (4:45 pm-6:00 pm):
    • Park in the main entrance and enter the Middle School through the Main Entrance (marked A).



  • Please be sure to bring the proper I.D. Every person picking up must be on the child’s authorization list and sign out the child/children they are picking up.  
  • Carpooling: If you anticipate carpooling, please be sure all drivers are on your authorization list and have proper I.D. 
  • Lateness/Early Dismissal: If your camper is arriving late or has to leave early, a written note or phone call is required. Please indicate who is picking up and be sure they have proper I.D. and are on your authorization list.