Too Sick for School?
The Kingsway Regional School District works with the Gloucester County Department of Health to help protect students from spreading communicable diseases. In order to protect other students and employees it is important that students are kept home when they are too sick for school.
Symptoms that indicate a student is too sick to attend school
If your child has any of the following symptoms, please keep him/her home, or make appropriate arrangements. It will become necessary to pick your child up from school as soon as possible if he/she demonstrates any of the following symptoms while attending school:
- Fever – Temperature of 100.4 degrees F; or higher.
- Vomiting – A student should not return to school for 24 hours following the last episode.
- Lice, Scabies
- Diarrhea
- Stiff Neck
- Rash
- Jaundice
- Skin Lesions (Sores)
- Other