Health Services
Kingsway provides health services in each of its schools. The Health Services Team is comprised of a school physician, certified school nurses, clerical staff, and professional consultants.
There is a certified school nurse available to students during the school day to address any health care needs of the student. If a student is ill or injured during the school day, the school nurse will evaluate the student and determine whether he/she is able to return to class, needs to go home, or requires a medical referral. Medical treatment will be administered to your child according to standing orders from the school physician, and parent/guardian will be notified of any illness or injury.
Before reporting to the nurse’s office from the classroom, a student must secure a pass from a teacher. Students are not permitted to visit the nurse’s office without a pass unless it is an emergency situation.
O: (856) 467-3300 EXT. 3021
F: (856) 467-5968
Kathleen Gallen
Secretary, High School Health Office
O: (856) 467-3300 EXT. 4287
F: (856) 467-4136
Jennifer Earley
A.M. Secretary. - Middle School Health Office
O: (856) 467-3300 EXT. 3022
F: (856) 467-5968