Curriculum & Instruction
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction is led by Assistant Superintendent, Patricia Calandro, in partnership with the Chief Academic Officer, Emily Virga, and is responsible for the planning and development of educational programs designed to promote academic success. Its vision is to ensure that all students are prepared for their unique path in life through the development of rigorous and engaging instructional experiences.
The department also provides teachers and administrators with ongoing, high-quality staff development that creates learning environments where students can be problem-solvers, collaborators, and critical thinkers. Through a standards-based curriculum, diverse assessment and instruction, and high-quality teaching, our learners are provided the confidence and preparation to function productively in a culturally diverse, ever-changing, interdependent world.
(left to right: Patricia Calandro, Assistant Superintendent; Charae Whetstone, Special Education Supervisor; Emily Virga, Chief Academic Officer; Megan Bruder, Science/STEM Supervisor; Rachael Anderson, ELA/World Language/Consumer Sci. Supervisor; Balvir Singh, Math/Business/Technology Supervisor)