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Lead Testing

On July 13, 2016, the State Board of Education adopted regulations regarding testing for lead in drinking water in public schools throughout New Jersey.  The regulations require testing for lead in all drinking water outlets within 365 days of the effective date of the regulations, which was July 13, 2016.  All districts were directed to develop a lead sampling plan that will govern the collection and analysis of drinking water samples.  Samples were then sent to a certified testing laboratory for analysis.  Per the regulations, the District must make all test results available at the school facility and on the district's website.  The regulations also require notification to the New Jersey Depertment of Education (NJDOE), as well as to parents, in any instances where positive results over the established level are reported.  The notification will describe the steps taken to immediately end the use of each drinking water outlet where water quality exceeds the permissable lead level, as well as the measures taken to ensure that alternate drinking water has been made available to all students and staff.  

Middle School Laboratory Results

High School Laboratory Results