Title I Parent Resources & Supports
Parent and Family Engagement
Thank you, parents, for taking the time to help your children. Parent and Family Engagement is an ongoing process that increases active participation, communication, and collaboration between parents, schools, and communities with the goal of educating the whole child to ensure student achievement and success. We invite any parent or family member to join our Title I Parent Committee at any time duirng the year. If you are interested, please contact either building principal via email or Patricia Calandro (Assistant Superintendent) at calandrop@krsd.us.
- Title I Parent Committee Mission: To work together as a collaborative team of educators and parents with the goal of improving family understanding and engagement to improve students' school experience and increase student confidence and academic achievement
Supporting Our Children
This site is intended to serve as resource to assist parents in better understanding how to utilize parenting skills at home and at school when working to support your child's school expereince. The state of New Jersey has also established a resource center for parents to learn more. Infomration about this resource center can be found at New Jersey Parent Information and Resource Center.
Additional Information/Informacion Adicional
Statewide Parent Advocacy Network
Be a Learning Hero - Parent Guide
What Parents and Caregivers Can Ask and Do to Help Children Thrive at School (Tengo Una Pregunta Preguntas que los padres y cuidadores deben hacer y los pasos que deben tomar para que los ninos triunfen en las escuela)
United States Department of Education Parent Resources
NJ Department of Education Family Site
Helping Your Children Learn Series (La serie de Ayudando a su niño)
Homework Tips for Parents (Consejos practicos para los padres sobre la tarea escolar)
Guia de recursos para las familias Hispanas
Online Professional Development Library (username: Kingsway; password: Kingsway)