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Team Scholastics

 Team Scholastics at Kingsway Regional High School is an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning. An interdisciplinary team consists of teachers from different subject areas who share a common group of students who they instruct. Team teachers plan, coordinate, and evaluate curriculum and instruction across their shared academic areas. For students and parents, these teams offer stable teacher and peer relationships and secure practices that assist with the transition to high school while cultivating meaningful and regular communication with families.  For teachers, teams provide a collaborative and supportive collegial community. 

The goals of Team Scholastics are: 

  • To successfully secure academic and social confidence in the transition to high school for a select group of qualifying and motivated students 
  • To teach and foster successful work-study habits necessary for success in high school, college, and career 
  • To develop cohesive and positive teacher-student, student-student, teacher-parent communications and relationships that improve student outcomes and celebrate successes 
  • To provide daily teacher-team collaboration that foster the development of cross-curricular experiences that facilitate student understanding of subject-matter using a flexible student-centered approach 
  • To develop a confidence in students to pursue advanced-coursework during their junior and senior year of high school


KRSD Scholastics Logo


Chief Academic Officer

Kingsway Regional High School Principal

Team Scholastics Leader/Assistant Principal

Team Scholastics Supervisor

 Team Scholastics School Counselor