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MAP Assessments

Kingsway administers MAP assessments in math and ELA as a universal screener for all students with immediate results for educators to use to support learning. MAP is a norm-referenced assessment that measures achievement and growth. It provides teachers with accurate and actionable evidence to help target instruction for each student or group of students, regardless of how far above or below they are from their grade level.

The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) provides assistance in identifying areas of growth based on your child’s individual needs. It allows teachers and students the opportunity to set goals and track individual student growth throughout the school year.

Students & Families:  How To Access My MAP Student Progress Report  

Students and families may access all MAP results in the Genesis Parent Portal under Documents.  


The Documents screen lists documents that the school or district has linked to your student’s record, including MAP results

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