Academy Student Agreement
Kingsway Regional High School
Academy Student Agreement
Kingsway abides by the mantra, Committed to Excellence, and holds all students to high standards. Students enrolled in the Academy Programs are representatives for Kingsway Regional High School in the classroom and the community. As a result, they are expected to serve as well-rounded, young scholastic professionals and role models throughout their time in the academies. Exemplary performance, leadership, kindness to others, behavior, and a strong work ethic are expected of all Academy students, which make it possible to serve as role models and representatives of our Dragon family inside and beyond our school walls. This includes social media and other forms of electronic communication.
Academy students are required to sign an Academy Agreement. Below are the expectations by which all Academy members are expected to abide. At any point, students who do not meet the expectations outlined in this agreement will be required to meet with their school counselor and Academy supervisor to determine a plan of action to guide more responsible decisions. Students may be placed on probationary status which will be reviewed quarterly. Academy students who violate Academy probation will be granted a committee review, at which point a decision will be made regarding whether or not they will be dismissed from the Academy program.
Code of Conduct: Academy students abide by the Kingsway Regional High School code of conduct.
Three Tier 1 or Tier 2 Offenses, or any combination thereof, in a given school year, will result in the student being placed on Academy Probation and requiring the student to complete the Academy Student Action Plan for Improvement.
One Tier 3 or Tier 4 Offense, or any combination thereof, in a given school year, will result in the student being placed on Academy Probation and require the student to complete the Academy Student Action Plan for Improvement.
Academics: Academy students abide by the Kingsway Regional High School plagiarism and academic integrity code, this includes the unauthorized use of artificial intelligence (AI). Students are required to maintain mid-semester and end-of-semester course grades of 73 and above.
Attendance: Academy students abide by the Kingsway Regional School District attendance policy. School attendance is not to exceed the maximum unexcused absences of 8 days. Academy students have mandatory SMART meetings, guest speakers, field trips, community events, etc. Students must attend 80% of their respective Academy gatherings per semester. If a student cannot attend a meeting, field trip, or gathering, they must notify the counselor and/or supervisor via email. The missed meeting will still count toward the 80% threshold.
Service Learning: Academy students must complete at least 20 service learning hours per year. In grade 9, this takes place during the Academy-specific seminar course. During the 10th and 11th grades, students must submit proposals, service learning logs, and reflections to their Academy Counselor. All dates and deadlines are shared well in advance. Any student not meeting the deadlines will meet with the school counselor to offer support and guidance and to create a schedule to help the student be successful. After the initial meeting with the School Counselor, students who miss two additional deadlines violate the Service Learning requirement.
I have read the Academy agreement and will stand by the guidelines. I understand that should I break any part of the agreement, I will meet with my School Counselor and Academy Supervisor, may be placed on probation, or dismissed from the Academy program.
Student Name (Print): _____________________________________________________ Date:________. Student Signature: __________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:_________________________________________________